Mariner Data Examples
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 7-5
The combined spectrum is displayed (Figure 7-3), with
two intense peaks at 410 Da and 723 Da. Generate
extracted ion chromatograms as described below to
determine if these peaks are the coeluting components.
NOTE: If these peaks do not yield chromatograms with
profiles that correspond to the unresolved peaks, try
another spectral peak.
Figure 7-3 Combined Spectrum for Unresolved Peaks in Cytochrome C
extracted ion
To create extracted ion chromatograms:
1. With the Chromatogram window activated, click in
the toolbar two times to add two traces. Click an added
trace to activate it.
2. In the Spectrum window, right-click-drag over the first
The extracted ion chromatogram is displayed.
3. In the Chromatogram window, click the second added
trace to activate it.
4. In the Spectrum window, right-click-drag over the second
The extracted ion chromatogram is displayed.
Figure 7-4 illustrates the peaks deconvoluted from the
original unresolved peaks.