Peak List
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-39
3.3.2 Inserting Peaks in the Peak List
Description If chromatogram or spectrum peaks are not detected and
labeled by the selected detection parameters, you can
manually detect and label peaks by inserting peaks in the
peak list.
Procedure To insert peaks:
1. Display the chromatogram or spectrum trace of
2. From the Peaks menu, select Insert Peaks.
The Insert Peaks dialog box is displayed (Figure 3-15).
Figure 3-15 Insert Peaks Dialog Box
3. To enter the Left Edge and Right Edge of the peak to
insert, right-click-drag over the region of the trace to
calculate, or type in masses.
4. Click Calculate.
The peak is inserted in the peak list displayed in the
Peak list tab in the Output window, and centroid
information is listed in the Result tab. For more
information, see “Output window” on page 1-15.