Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling
3-40 Applied Biosystems
Inserted peaks are:
• Removed from the list when you close the data
file, reprocess the data, or set peak detection
parameters so that the inserted peak is no longer
• Assigned a charge state of 0 to indicate the
charge state is unknown.
A zero value in the Spec Peak list does not indicate a
charge state of zero. It indicates that the software
could not determine the charge state.
3.3.3 Saving the Peak List
Saving as a
.PKT file
You can save the contents of the chromatogram and spectrum
peak lists as stand-alone peak list files (.PKT).
Stand-alone peak list files can be used in other applications
such as Microsoft Notepad Editor or Microsoft Excel.
To save a peak list as a stand-alone .PKT file for use in other
1. Click the trace of interest.
2. Display the peak list of interest in the Output window by
clicking the Chro Peak List or the Spec Peak List tab.
3. Right-click the Output window, then select Save As.
The Save Peak Table As dialog box is displayed.
4. Select a directory and type a file name.
5. Click Save.
The software automatically assigns a .PKT extension
and saves the peak list as a tab-delimited text file.