Chapter 8 Viewing Voyager PSD Data
8-24 Applied Biosystems
Changing If the precursor mass taken from the data file is not correct:
1. Display the Segments tab (see Figure 8-2 on page 8-4)
by doing either of the following:
• In the PSD Calibration dialog box, click the
Segments tab
• From the Process menu, select PSD Processing
2. Click Change Mass and enter a new mass to use for
3. Click OK.
4. Click Plot to display the composite spectrum for the new
mass. The following occurs:
• A new composite spectrum is generated as
described in “How the composite spectrum is
generated” on page 8-6, and displayed.
• The PSD calibration for the data file is updated
with the new precursor ion mass.
• The new composite spectrum is displayed.
NOTE: The Max Stitch Masses displayed in the
PSD segment list in the PSD Processing dialog
box are not updated until you apply the new
5. To save the updated calibration information in the data file,
click Apply Precursor Mass.