Managing Files
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 1-37
NOTE: To export calibration constants used to
acquire the data, select Mass Calibration from
the Process menu, then select the Revert to
Instrument Calibration before exporting. For
more information, see Section 5.3.4, Reverting to
Instrument Calibration.
• Configuration—To export .BIC or .MSM files
(.MSM—Mariner data only).
NOTE: To access the instrument settings for each
spectrum in a data file acquired using a Mariner
MS Method, you must first extract the .MSM file
from the data file as described above. Then export
the .BIC files from the .MSM file using the Export
button in the MS Method editor. For more
information on exporting a .BIC file from .MSM,
see the Mariner Workstation User’s Guide.
3. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the exported
file, then click Save.
Saving .SET files To save processing and graphic settings (.SET) from a .DAT or
results file:
1. Open or activate the .DAT, .RSD or .RCD file.
2. From the File menu, select Settings, then select one of
the following:
• Save Processing Settings As
• Save Graphic Settings As
• Save Graphic/Processing Settings As
3. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the .SET file,
then click OK.
For information, see Section 1.4.2, Customizing Processing
and Graphic Settings (.SET).