Appendix C Data Explorer Toolbox (Visual Basic Macros)
C-10 Applied Biosystems
3. Add peaks to the peak list to be included in the calculation
by typing a mass in the Add Mass to Peak List field, then
clicking Add Peak.
Remove unwanted peaks from the list that you do not
want included in the calculation by clicking the peak in the
list, then clicking Delete Selected Peaks.
4. If you will be identifying y and b pairs, select the precursor
peak, then click Use Selected Peak.
Pairs To list ion pairs:
1. Click the Pairs tab.
Figure 3-11 Peptide FragmentationPairs
2. Click the button that corresponds to the ion masses you
want identified:
• a and b pairs Lists peak pairs with a 28 Da
mass difference.
• (a, b, y) –17 pairs Lists peak pairs with a 17
Da mass difference, which corresponds to the
loss of NH