Using the Elemental Targeting Application
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 6-33
Displaying results The results of the calculation are displayed in the Elemental
Target tab of the Output window (Figure 6-21).
Figure 6-21 Elemental Targeting Results in the Output Window
Results include:
• Index—Sequential number assigned to each result.
• Formula—Elemental composition you entered.
• m/z—Mass/charge of an observed peak that, compared
to the theoretical mass of the formula specified, is within
the Mass Tolerance and Resolution you specified.
• Charge—Charge of the observed peak.
• Isotope Match Score—Number between 0.0 and 1.0
that reflects how well the observed peak matches the
theoretical formula, based on mass and isotope pattern.
A higher number represents a better match.
• Isotope Match Intensity—Peak area (counts) that
overlaps between the observed isotope pattern and the
theoretical isotope pattern. A higher number represents a
better match.
Displaying the
To display the theoretical isotope distribution for a formula,
double-click the line in the Elemental Target tab of the Output
The theoretical isotope trace is displayed in the Spectrum
window with an ISO trace label and the elemental formula.