Calibrating a PSD Spectrum
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 8-15
Matching peaks
If you want the software to compare observed masses in all
segment spectra included in the .DAT file to reference masses
in the selected calibration reference file:
1. Click Match.
If a mass within the tolerance of any of the masses
listed in the calibration reference file is found in any
spectrum in the .DAT file, the match is displayed in the
Calibration Mass Peak Selection window.
Use the Match function with care. Before using, ensure
that all peaks in all segments are correctly peak
detected. The Match function examines the complete
mass range in all segments in the .DAT file.
NOTE: The entire mass range of each spectrum in the
.DAT file is checked, not just the mass range included
in the composite spectrum, and even if the spectrum is
not currently displayed in the Spectrum window.
For comparison, the difference between the reference
mass in the calibration reference file and the observed
peak mass is displayed.
Hint: You can sort the list of matches by clicking on the
column header buttons (see Figure 8-5 on page 8-13).
You can display complete information about a reference
mass by double-clicking on the mass.
If no matches are found, an error message is displayed.
2. To delete a match from the list, select the mass and click
Delete Selected Match.
To clear the entire list, click Delete Entire List.
3. Complete the calibration as described in “Solving and
plotting” on page 8-18.