Chapter 2 Using Chromatogram and Spectrum Windows
2-30 Applied Biosystems
2.4.10 Viewing Trace Labels
The Data Explorer software includes a label in the trace
header to identify the type of data displayed.
NOTE: Trace labels are applied by the software and cannot
be removed.
trace labels
Labels in the chromatogram title identify the following types of
displayed data:
Chromatogram Trace
BC Baseline corrected
BO Baseline offset
BP Base Peak mass and intensity
CNL Constant neutral loss chromatogram
EF Event filtered chromatogram (MS Method data only)
Mass xxx:yyy Extracted ion chromatogram for a mass range where xxx
is the starting mass and yyy is the ending mass
NFX Noise-filtered trace, where X is the applied Correlation
NRX Noise-removed trace, where X is the number of standard
deviations of noise removed
SMX Smoothed trace, where X is the number of smoothing
points applied
TAC Total absorbance chromatogram
+ TAC Realigned total absorbance chromatogram
XAC Extracted absorbance chromatogram