Chapter 5 Examining Spectrum Data
5-56 Applied Biosystems
5.9 Truncating a Spectrum
Description The Truncate function removes data points from a trace
outside a selected region.
Truncating spectra is useful to:
• Mariner data—Remove noise at the low end of a
spectrum before generating a result file
• Voyager data—Eliminate the Low Mass Gate spike and
background in the low-mass range
Truncating To truncate spectra:
1. Display the spectrum to truncate.
2. Select Duplicate Active Trace from the Display menu to
keep the original data displayed after processing.
3. From the Process menu, select Truncate Spectrum.
The Truncate Spectrum dialog box (Figure 5-17) is
Figure 5-17 Truncate Spectrum Dialog Box
4. Type the starting and ending m/z values for the range of
the spectrum to retain, or right-click-drag over the range in
the spectrum.
5. Click OK.