Data Explorer Software User’s Guide Index-17
MS Method (Mariner data only)
instrument settings, viewing 4-23
spectrum numbers in filtered
trace 4-25
MSM files
extracting from DAT file 1-36
overview 1-7
Multiple Charge command
dimmed on menu 5-37, 9-8
not displayed on menu 9-8
Multiple data files
comparing 2-36, 2-38
copying traces into a window 2-37
printing 2-36
working with separately 2-36
zooming 2-13, 2-36
Multiple spectra in Voyager data
files 2-7
Multiply charged peaks
deconvoluting 5-37
single-charge conversion 5-59
Multi-point calibration, see Calibrating
Negative ion z label 3-58
Neutral loss chromatogram, see
Extracted ion chromatogram
in chromatogram header 2-30, 4-19
in spectrum header 2-32, 5-44
Noise filtering
chromatogram 4-17
spectrum 5-42
spectrum, recommended
setting 4-18, 5-43
Noise Threshold
chromatogram, calculated
automatically 3-21, 3-68
in peak detection algorithm 3-68
setting locally, spectrum 3-30
Noise, screening out
noise filtering command 4-17, 5-42
subtracting spectra and creating
extracted ion
chromatogram (Mariner
data) 7-8
truncate spectrum 5-56
Nozzle Temperature, displaying
trace 4-2
in chromatogram header 2-30, 4-19
in spectrum header 2-32, 5-44
Number average molecular weight,
determining C-15
Number of data points across a peak,
determining 3-21, 3-31, 5-51
Offsetting baseline
chromatogram 4-27
spectrum 5-45
Offsetting UV trace (Mariner data only)
Mariner data 4-30
restoring original trace 4-31
Open files, moving between 2-8
data files 2-2
data files and automatically running
a macro 6-45
PSD data files 8-2
result files 2-40