How to Use This Guide
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide xiii
Conventions This guide uses the following conventions to make text
easier to understand.
• Bold indicates user action. For example:
Type 0 and press Enter for the remaining
• Italic text denotes new or important words, and is also
used for emphasis. For example:
Before analyzing, always prepare fresh matrix.
Notes, Cautions,
Warnings, and
A note provides important information to the operator. For
NOTE: If you are prompted to insert the boot diskette
into the drive, insert it, then press any key.
A caution provides information to avoid damage to the
system or loss of data. For example:
Do not touch the lamp. This may damage the lamp.
A warning provides information essential to the safety of
the operator. For example:
CHEMICAL HAZARD. Wear appropriate personal
protection and always observe safe laboratory practices
when operating your system.
A hint provides helpful suggestions not essential to the
use of the system. For example:
Hint: To avoid complicated file naming, use Save First
to Pass or Save Best Only modes.