Page 22
The digital control board is located inside the
upper front of the trunk on the component bracket.
The digital display is located in the upper center of
the front of hood.
NOTE: Check the function list (supplied) for FUNC-
1. If display indicates a "FAULT" use the list below to
troubleshoot the indicated fault.
FAULT 1 - main brew tank temperature probe is
FAULT 2 - main brew tank temperature probe is
open circuit
FAULT 3 - secondary water tank temperature
probe is shorted (used only in two-tank system)
FAULT 4 - secondary water tank temperature
probe is open circuit (used only in two-tank sys-
FAULT 5 - main DBC board is defective
FAULT 6 - water overflow protection switch is
open circuit
FAULT 7 - dry plug-in condition (brewer is look-
ing for connection between the water tank and the
dry plug-in probe.
2. If the brewer will not refill then use the function
list and test the refill solenoid and make sure that
SERVICE (cont.)
the following functions are set properly.
A) set refill probe delay (larger values add more
delay time)
B) refill sensing probe ("no" means that there will
be no automatic refill)
C) refill solenoid separate from brew solenoid
(usually on gravity brewers) ("no" means that refill
will occur automatically only when not brewing.
D) set refill resistance threshold (only necessary
to change in pure water areas)(changing the set-
ting to a value higher than 128 means the water will
be more likely to create a full condition).
E) check wiring to refill solenoid
F) replace Digital Brewer Control Board
3. If the brewer will not heat then check the follow-
A) test the main tank heater
B) check the main brew tank temperature setting
C) check dry plug-in prevention probe setting
("yes" means that there must be a dry plug-in
prevention probe)
D) limit thermostat on top of the brewer tank
E) temporarily substitute a known working heater
triac assembly
F) replace Digital Brewer Control Board
4. If the brewer will not brew then use the function
list and test the brew solenoid and make sure that
the following functions are set properly.
A) set main brew tank temperature ( a setting that
is lower than the ready lamp value can prevent
B) set main brew tank - ready lamp off temperature
(a setting that is higher than the brew value can
prevent brewing)
C) select brew lockout ("yes" requires the brewer
ready lamp to be "ON" in order to brew)
D) replace Digital Brewer Control Board
5. If the temperature reading on the display is higher
than 211˚F (99˚C), disconnect the two pin connec-
tor (blue wire and tan wire) from the heater triac.
If the heater remains on, the heater triac is defec-
tive and must be replaced.
6. If the temperature on display varies by more than
one degree while the brewer is at idle, select main
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