Green bell pepper Wash; cut into strips. Arrange in a glass pie 4 minutes 2 minutes
strips (4 oz.) plate; add 2 tablespoons water. Cover with
1 serving vented plastic wrap.
Mushrooms Wash; cut into a bite of pieces. Arrange in a 4 minutes 2 minutes
(4 oz.) glass pie plate; add 2 tablespoons water.
1 serving Cover with vented plastic wrap.
Okra Wash; cut into a bite of pieces. Arrange in a 4 minutes 2 minutes
(4 oz.) glass pie plate; add 1/4 cup water. Cover with
1 serving vented plastic wrap.
Onion, chopped Peel skin and chop onion. Place in a glass pie 4 minutes 2minutes
(4 oz.) plate; add 1/4 cup water. Cover with vented
1 serving plastic wrap.
Parsnips Wash; cut into a bite of pieces. Arrange in a 4 minutes 5 minutes
(4 oz.) glass pie plate; add 2 tablespoons water.
1 serving Cover with vented plastic wrap.
Rutabagas See chart on page 36
Spinach leaves Wash. Place in a 11/2-quart casserole; 4 minutes 2 minutes
(4 oz.) add 2 tablespoons water. Cover with lid or
1 serving vented plastic wrap.
Squash, butternut Peel and cut into cubes. Place in a glass 4 minutes 5 minutes
(4 oz.) casserole; add 1/4 cup water. Cover with lid or
1 serving vented plastic wrap.
Zucchini, sliced Wash. Place in a 11/2-quart glass casserole; 4 minutes 2 minutes
(4 oz.) add 2 tablespoons water. Cover with lid or
1 serving vented plastic wrap.