Before Setting Surface Controls
About the Ceramic Glass Cooktop
The ceramic cooktop has radiant surface elements
located below the surface of the glass. The design of the
ceramic cooktop outlines the area of the surface element
Turbo Boil Surface Element
The Turbo Boil feature offers a higher wattage surface
radiant element. Turbo Boil will bring food items to boil
much quicker and may be used when preparing larger
quantities of food. The cooktop graphics will be clearly
marked with this feature.
Heat is transferred up through the surface of the cooktop
to the cool<ware. Only fiat-bottom cookware should be
used. The type and size of cool<ware, the number of surface
elements in use and their settings, are all factors that will
affect the amount of heat that will spread to areas beyond
the surface elements.
The areas surrounding the elements may
become hot enough fo cause burns.
About the Radiant Surface Elements
The element temperature rises gradually and evenly. As the
temperature rises, the element wiii glow red. To maintain
the selected setting, the element will cycle on and off. The
heating element retains enough heat to provide a uniform
and consistent heat during the off cycle.
For efflclent cooking, turn off the element several minutes
before cooking is complete. This wiii allow residual heat to
complete the cooking process.
Important notes:
° Radiant elements have a limiter that allows the element
to cycle ON and OFF, even at the HI setting. This helps
to prevent damage to the ceramic cooktop. Cycling at
the HI setting is normal and will occur more often if the
cookware is too small for the radiant element or if the
cookware bottom is not fiat.
° Pressing a cooktop keypad only activates or deactivates
the element but will not start the heating process. Activat-
ing and powering any surface cooking element requires
pressing two keys - the ON/OFF keypad first and then a
power level section must be added before the element
will begin heating.
° Be sure to read the detailed instructions for ceramic glass
cooktop cleaning in the Care & Cleaning and Before You
Call checklist sections of this Use & Care Guide.
Note_ (Whlto glass cooktops only) Duo to tho high Intonslty
of hoar gonoratod by tho +urfaco olornonts_tho gla+s +urfaco
will turn groan whon tho olorn®nt Is first turn®d off, This
phonomononIs normal an¢l tho glass will gorno bagk to Its
original whff@ golor aff@r It has gornplotoly goolocl ,+town,
Home Canning
Be sure to read and observe all the following points when
home canning with your appliance. Check with the USDA
[United States Department of Agriculture) website and be
sure to read all the information they have available as well
as follow their recommendations for home canning proce-
• Use only quality fiat bottom canners when home canning.
Use a straight edge to check canner bottom.
• Use only a completely fiat bottom canner with no ridges
that radiate from the bottom center when home canning
using a ceramic cooktop.
° Make sure the diameter of the canner does not exceed 1
inch beyond the surface element markings or burner. It is
recommended to use smaller diameter canners on electric
coil and ceramic glass cooktops.
° Start with hot tap water to bring water to boil more
• Use the highest heat seating when first bringing water to
a boil. Once boiling is achieved, reduce heat level to low-
est possible setting to maintain that boil.
° NEVER place or straddle a cooking utensil over two dif-
ferent surface cooking areas at the same time. This will
cause uneven heating results and may cause the ceramic
cooktop to fracture.