show pci hardware
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show pci hardware
To display information about the Host-PCI bridge, use the show pci hardware command in EXEC
show pci hardware
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines The output of this command is generally useful for diagnostic tasks performed by technical support only:
Router# show pci hardware
hardware PCI hardware registers
Each device on the PCI bus is assigned a PCI device number. For the
C2600, device numbers are as follows:
Device Device number
0 First LAN device
1 Second LAN device
2 AIM device (if present)
3 Not presently used
4 Port module - first PCI device
5 Port module - second PCI device
6 Port module - third PCI device
7 Port module - fourth PCI device
8-14 Not presently used
15 Xilinx PCI bridge
Examples The following is partial sample output for the PCI hardware register, which also includes information on
all the PCI bridge registers.
router# show pci hardware
XILINX Host-PCI Bridge Registers:
Vendor / Device ID: 0x401310EE
Status / Command: 0x040001C6
PCI Slave Base Reg 0: 0x00000000
PCI Slave Base Reg 1: 0x04000000
Table 119 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Release Modification
11.2 This command was introduced.
12.2(33)SRA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.