show memory debug leaks
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Note All memory leak detection commands invoke normal mode memory leak detection, except when the low
memory option is specifically invoked by use of the lowmem keyword. In normal mode, if memory leak
detection determines that there is insufficient memory to proceed in normal mode, it will display an
appropriate message and switch to low memory mode.
show memory debug leaks Command Example
The following example shows output from the show memory debug leaks command:
Router# show memory debug leaks
Adding blocks for GD...
PCI memory
Address Size Alloc_pc PID Name
I/O memory
Address Size Alloc_pc PID Name
Processor memory
Address Size Alloc_pc PID Name
62DABD28 80 60616750 -2 Init
62DABD78 80 606167A0 -2 Init
62DCF240 88 605B7E70 -2 Init
62DCF298 96 605B7E98 -2 Init
62DCF2F8 88 605B7EB4 -2 Init
62DCF350 96 605B7EDC -2 Init
63336C28 104 60C67D74 -2 Init
63370D58 96 60C656AC -2 Init
633710A0 304 60C656AC -2 Init
63B2BF68 96 60C659D4 -2 Init
63BA3FE0 32832 608D2848 104 Audit Process
63BB4020 32832 608D2FD8 104 Audit Process
Table 103 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show memory debug leaks chunks Command Example
The following example shows output from the show memory debug leaks chunks command:
Router# show memory debug leaks chunks
Adding blocks for GD...
PCI memory
Address Size Alloc_pc PID Name
Table 103 show memory debug leaks Field Descriptions
Field Description
Address Hexadecimal address of the leaked block.
Size Size of the leaked block (in bytes).
Alloc_pc Address of the system call that allocated the block.
PID The process identifier of the process that allocated the block.
Name The name of the process that allocated the block.