show running-config map-class
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show running-config map-class
To display only map-class configuration information from the running configuration file, use the
show running-config map-class command in privileged EXEC mode.
show running-config map-class [atm [map-class-name] | dialer [map-class-name] | frame-relay
[map-class-name]] [linenum]
Syntax Description
Defaults Displays all map-class configuration in the running configuration file.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the show running-config map-class command to display the following information from the
running configuration file:
• All map classes configured on the router.
• Map classes configured specifically for ATM, Frame Relay, or dialer.
• A specific ATM, Frame Relay, or dialer map class.
Use the linenum keyword to display line numbers in the output. This option is useful for identifying a
particular portion of a very large configuration.
All Map Classes Configured on the Router Example
The following example displays all map classes configured on the router:
Router# show running-config map-class
atm (Optional) Displays only ATM map-class configuration lines.
dialer (Optional) Displays only dialer map-class configuration lines.
frame-relay (Optional) Displays only Frame Relay map-class configuration lines.
map-class-name (Optional) Displays only configuration lines for the specified map-class.
linenum (Optional) Displays line numbers in the output.
Release Modification
12.1 The map-class extension to the show running-config command was
introduced to show only lines pertaining to dialer or Frame Relay map
12.1(2)T The atm, dialer, and frame-relay keywords and map-class-name argument
were introduced.
12.2(4)T The linenum keyword was added.
12.2(33)SRA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.