
show pci hardware
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Table 119 show pci hardware Field Descriptions
Field Description
Device/Vendor ID Identifies the PCI vendor and device. The value 0x401310EE
identifies the device as the Xilinx-based Host-PCI bridge for the
Cisco 2600 router.
Status/Command Provides status of the Host-PCI bridge. Refer to the PCI
Specification for more information.
PCI Slave Base Reg 0 The base address of PCI Target Region 0 for the Host-PCI bridge.
This region is used for Big-Endian transfers between PCI devices
and memory.
PCI Slave Base Reg 1 The base address of PCI Target Region 1 for the Host-PCI bridge.
This region is used for Little-Endian transfers between PCI devices
and memory.