show memory failures alloc
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory failures alloc
To display statistics about failed memory allocation requests, use the show memory failures alloc
command in the privileged EXEC mode.
show memory failures alloc
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory failures alloc command:
Router# show memory failures alloc
Caller Pool Size Alignment When
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:03
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:04
0x60394744 I/O 1684 32 00:10:04
Table 109 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
Table 109 show memory failures alloc Field Descriptions
Field Description
Caller Address of the allocator function that issued memory allocation request that failed.
Pool Pool from which the memory was requested.
Size Size of the memory requested in bits.
Alignment Memory alignment in bits.
When Time of day at which the memory allocation request was issued.