show version
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
For information about PCI buses and bandwidth calculation, go to
Table 146 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 146 show version Field Descriptions
Field Description
Cisco IOS Software, platform
Software (image-id), Version
software-version, release-type
For example:
Cisco IOS Software, 7200
Software (C7200-G4JS-M),
Version 12.3(4)T
platform—Cisco hardware device name.
image-id—The coded software image identifier, in the format
platform-features-format (for example, “c7200-g4js-mz”.
software-version—The Cisco IOS software release number, in the
format x.y(z)A, where x.y is the main release identifier, z is the
maintenance release number, and A, where applicable, is the special
release train identifier. For example, 12.3(4)T indicates the fourth
maintenance release of the 12.3T special technology release train.
Note In the full software image filename, 12.3(4)T appears as
123-4.T. In the IOS Upgrade Planner, 12.3(4)T appears as
12.3.4T (ED).
release-type—The description of the release type. Possible values
include MAINTENANCE [for example, 12.3(3)] or INTERIM [for
example, 12.3(3.2)].
Tip Refer to “The ABC’s of Cisco IOS Networking” (available
on Cisco.com) for more information on Cisco IOS software
release numbering and software versions.
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ROM: System Bootstrap,
Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE
The system “bootstrap” software, stored in ROM memory.
BOOTFLASH: The system “bootflash” software, stored in Flash memory (if