show memory pci
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory pci
To display statistics about Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) memory, use the show memory pci
command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show memory pci
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory pci command:
Router# show memory pci
I/O memory
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC what
0E000000 0000000032 00000000 0E000050 000 64F5EBF4 0 00000000 (fragmen)
0E000050 0000000272 0E000000 0E000190 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000190 0000000272 0E000050 0E0002D0 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E0002D0 0000000272 0E000190 0E000410 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000410 0000000272 0E0002D0 0E000550 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000550 0000000272 0E000410 0E000690 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000690 0000000272 0E000550 0E0007D0 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E0007D0 0000000272 0E000690 0E000910 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000910 0000000272 0E0007D0 0E000A50 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000A50 0000000272 0E000910 0E000B90 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000B90 0000000272 0E000A50 0E000CD0 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC what
0E000CD0 0000000272 0E000B90 0E000E10 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
0E000E10 0000000272 0E000CD0 0E000F50 001 -------- -------- 607E2EC0 *Packet *
Table 111 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
Table 111 show memory pci Field Descriptions
Field Description
Address Hexadecimal address of the block.
Bytes Size of the block (in bytes).
Prev Address of the preceding block (should match the address on the preceding line).
Next Address of the following block (should match the address on the following line).
Ref Reference count for that memory block, indicating how many different processes are
using that block of memory.