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Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
device uptime is ...
For example:
C3660-1 uptime is 1 week, 3
days, 6 hours, 41 minutes
The amount of time the system has been up and running.
System returned to ROM by
reload-reason at time day date
For example:
System returned to ROM by
reload at 20:56:53 UTC Tue
Nov 4 2003
Shows the last recorded reason for a system reload, and time of last
Last reload reason:
For example:
Last reload reason: Reload
Shows the last recorded reason for a system reload.
Last reset from reset-reason
For example:
Last reset from power-on
Shows the last recorded reason for a system reset. Possible
reset-reason values include:
• power-on—System was reset with the initial power on or a
power cycling of the device.
• s/w peripheral—System was reset due to a software peripheral.
• s/w nmi—System was reset by a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI)
originating in the system software. For example, on some
systems, you can configure the device to reset automatically if
two or more fans fail.
• push-button—System was reset by manual activation of a
RESET push-button (also called a hardware NMI).
• watchdog—System was reset due to a watchdog process.
• unexpected value—May indicate a bus error, such as for an
attempt to access a nonexistent address (for example, “System
restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA, address 0x210C0C0”).
(This field was formerly labeled as the “System restarted by”
System image file is
For example:
System image file is
Displays the file location (local or remote filesystem) and the
system image name.
Table 146 show version Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description