Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
To show both the ReadOnly and the Upgrade ROMmon image versions when you are in ROMmon mode,
as well as which ROMmon image is running on the Cisco 7200 VXR or Cisco 7301 router, use the
showmon command in ROM monitor mode.
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes ROM monitor mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the showmon command when you are in ROM monitor mode. Use the show rom-monitor
command when you are in Cisco IOS.
Examples The following example, applicable to both the Cisco 7200 VXR and Cisco 7301 routers, uses the
showmon command in ROMmon to display both ROMmon images and to verify that the Upgrade
ROMmon image is running:
rommon 1 > showmon
ReadOnly ROMMON version is:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) [biff]
Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Upgrade ROMMON version is:
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) [biff]
Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Upgrade ROMMON currently running
Upgrade ROMMON is selected for next boot
rommon 2 >
Release Modification
12.0(28)S This command was introduced on the Cisco 7200 VXR router. It was
introduced in ROMmon version 12.3(4r)T1 for the Cisco 7200 VXR router.
12.3(8)T This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T and
supported on the Cisco 7200 VXR router and Cisco 7301 router. It was
introduced in ROMmon version 12.3(4r)T2 for the Cisco 7301 router.
12.3(9) This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9) and supported
on the Cisco 7200 VXR router and Cisco 7301 router.