show memory
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
The following example displays details of a memory block overflow correction when the exception
memory ignore overflow global configuration command is configured:
Router# show memory overflow
Count Buffer Count Last corrected Crashinfo files
1 1 00:11:17 slot0:crashinfo_20030620-075755
Traceback 607D526C 608731A0 607172F8 607288E0 607A5688 607A566C
The report includes the amount of time since the last correction was made and the name of the file that
logged the memory block overflow details.
The show memory sram command displays the free SRAM memory blocks. For the Cisco 4000 router,
this command supports the high-speed static RAM memory pool to make it easier for you to debug or
diagnose problems with allocation or freeing of such memory.
The following is sample output from the show memory sram command:
Router# show memory sram
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
7AE0 38178 72F0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 38178
The following example of the show memory command used on the Cisco 4000 router includes
information about SRAM memory and I/O memory:
Router# show memory
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
Processor 49C724 28719324 1510864 27208460 26511644 15513908
I/O 6000000 4194304 1297088 2897216 2869248 2896812
SRAM 1000 65536 63400 2136 2136 2136
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
1000 2032 0 17F0 1 3E73E *Init*
17F0 2032 1000 1FE0 1 3E73E *Init*
1FE0 544 17F0 2200 1 3276A *Init*
2200 52 1FE0 2234 1 31D68 *Init*
2234 52 2200 2268 1 31DAA *Init*
2268 52 2234 229C 1 31DF2 *Init*
72F0 2032 6E5C 7AE0 1 3E73E Init
7AE0 38178 72F0 0 0 0 0 0
The show memory summary command displays a summary of all memory pools and memory usage per
Alloc PC (address of the system call that allocated the block).
The following is a partial sample output from the show memory summary command. This output shows
the size, blocks, and bytes allocated. Bytes equal the size multiplied by the blocks. For a description of
the other fields, see Table 97 and Table 98.
Router# show memory summary
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
Processor B0EE38 5181896 2210216 2971680 2692456 2845368
Processor memory
Alloc PC Size Blocks Bytes What
0x2AB2 192 1 192 IDB: Serial Info
0x70EC 92 2 184 Init
0xC916 128 50 6400 RIF Cache
0x76ADE 4500 1 4500 XDI data
0x76E84 4464 1 4464 XDI data