show memory debug leaks
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
0x605B7E70 0000000032 0000000001 0000000032 Init
0x605B7E98 0000000040 0000000001 0000000040 Init
0x605B7EB4 0000000032 0000000001 0000000032 Init
0x605B7EDC 0000000040 0000000001 0000000040 Init
0x60616750 0000000024 0000000001 0000000024 Init
0x606167A0 0000000024 0000000001 0000000024 Init
0x608D2848 0000032776 0000000001 0000032776 Audit Process
0x608D2FD8 0000032776 0000000001 0000032776 Audit Process
0x60C656AC 0000000040 0000000001 0000000040 Init
0x60C656AC 0000000248 0000000001 0000000248 Init
0x60C659D4 0000000040 0000000001 0000000040 Init
0x60C67D74 0000000048 0000000001 0000000048 Init
Table 105 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
Table 105 show memory debug leaks summary Field Descriptions
Field Description
Alloc_pc Address of the system call that allocated the block.
Size Size of the leaked block.
Blocks Number of blocks leaked.
Bytes Total amount of memory leaked.
What Name of the process that owns the block.
Command Description
set memory debug
Sets the current time as the starting time for incremental analysis.
show memory debug
incremental allocation
Displays all memory blocks that were allocated after the issue of the set
memory debug incremental starting-time command.
show memory debug
incremental leaks
Displays only memory that was leaked after the issue of the set memory
debug incremental starting-time command.
show memory debug
incremental leaks
Forces incremental memory leak detection to work in low memory mode.
Displays only memory that was leaked after the issue of the set memory
debug incremental starting-time command.
show memory debug
incremental status
Displays if the starting point of incremental analysis has been defined and
the time elapsed since then.