show memory processor
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
659CF6B0 0000000024 659CF678 659CF6FC 000 6698FFC8 659CF86C 6078A2CC Init
659CF86C 0000000024 659CF710 659CF8B8 000 659CF6B0 65ADB53C 6078A2CC Init
65ADB53C 0000000024 65ADB504 65ADB588 000 659CF86C 65ADFC38 6078A2CC Init
65ADFC38 0000000024 65ADFC00 65ADFC84 000 65ADB53C 65B6C504 6078A2CC Init
65B6C504 0000000024 65B6C4B8 65B6C550 000 65ADFC38 6593E924 6078A2CC Init
6593E924 0000000028 6593E8E8 6593E974 000 65B6C504 65CCB054 6078A2CC Init
65CCB054 0000000024 65CCB01C 65CCB0A0 000 6593E924 65CCBD98 6078A2CC Init
65CCBD98 0000000028 65CCBD60 65CCBDE8 000 65CCB054 65CCFB70 6078A2CC Init
65CCFB70 0000000024 65CCFB38 65CCFBBC 000 65CCBD98 65D0BB58 6078A2CC Init
65D0BB58 0000000024 65D0BB20 65D0BBA4 000 65CCFB70 65D0C5F0 6078A2CC Init
65D0C5F0 0000000024 65D0C5B8 65D0C63C 000 65D0BB58 65CFF2F4 6078A2CC Init
65CFF2F4 0000000024 65CFF2BC 65CFF340 000 65D0C5F0 6609B7B8 6078A2CC Init
6609B7B8 0000000036 6609AFC8 6609B810 000 65CFF2F4 660A0BD4 6078A2CC Init
Table 114 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The following is sample output from the show memory processor statistics command:
Router# show memory processor statistics
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
Processor 6540BBA0 415187836 27216968 387970868 385755044 381633404
I/O E000000 33554432 6226336 27328096 27328096 27317852
Table 115 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 114 show memory processor free Field Descriptions
Field Description
Address Hexadecimal address of the block.
Bytes Size of the block (in bytes).
Prev Address of the preceding block (should match the address on preceding row).
Next Address of the following block (should match the address on following row).
Ref Reference count for that memory block, indicating how many different processes are
using that block of memory.
PrevF Address of the preceding free block (if free).
NextF Address of the following free block (if free).
Alloc PC Address of the program counter that allocated the block.
what Name of the process that owns the block, or “(fragment)” if the block is a fragment,
or “(coalesced)” if the block was coalesced from adjacent free blocks.
Table 115 show memory processor statistics Field Descriptions
Field Description
Head Hexadecimal address of the head of the memory allocation chain.
Total(b) Sum of the used bytes plus free bytes.
Used(b) Amount of memory in use (in bytes).
Free(b) Amount of memory not in use (in bytes).