show subsys
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Following is sample output from the show subsys command that includes the license class:
Router# show subsys
Name Class Version
license_mgmt_local Management 1.000.001
license_admin_local Management 1.000.001
license_debug_core Management 1.000.001
license_test_ui Management 1.000.001
test_license_parser Management 1.000.001
license_ui Management 1.000.001
license_parser Management 1.000.001
license_registry Registry 1.000.001
license_client License 1.000.001
Table 142 describes the fields shown in the display.
Table 142 show subsys Field Descriptions
Field Description
Name Name of the subsystem.
Class Class of the subsystem. Possible classes include Driver, Kernel, Library,
License, Management, Protocol, Registry.
Version Version of the subsystem.