show processes memory
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Processor memory holding = 3884 bytes
pc = 0x60790654, size = 3044, count = 1
pc = 0x6076DBC4, size = 652, count = 1
pc = 0x6076FF18, size = 188, count = 1
I/O memory holding = 0 bytes
show processes memory Command for Releases Prior to 12.3(11)T, 12.2(28)S, and 12.0(30)S
The following example shows the output of the show processes memory command before the changes
to the summary information were made. Note that the “Total:” in the show processes summary
command indicates total memory for all memory pools; in this example, the show processes memory
Total of 35423840 can be obtained by adding the Processor and I/O totals shown in the output of the
show memory summary command. Note also that the show processes memory sorted command lists
the Total Processor Memory (matches the show memory summary Processor Total, but the show
processes memory command (without the sorted keyword) lists the Total for all memory pools
(Processor plus I/O memory).
Router# show version | include IOS
Cisco IOS Software, 3600 Software (C3660-BIN-M), Version 12.3(9)
Router# show memory summary
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
Processor 61E379A0 27035232 8089056 18946176 17964108 17963664
I/O 3800000 8388608 2815088 5573520 5561520 5573472
Router# show processes memory
Total: 35423840, Used: 10904192, Free: 24519648
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 14548868 3004980 9946092 0 0 *Init*
0 0 12732 567448 12732 0 0 *Sched*
Router# show processes memory sorted
Total: 27035232, Used: 8089188, Free: 18946044
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 14548868 3004980 9946092 0 0 *Init*
64 0 76436 3084 74768 0 0 CEF process
Router# show version | include IOS
Cisco IOS Software, 3600 Software (c3660-p-mz), Version 12.0(29)S,
Router# show memory summary
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
Processor 126CB10 49,331,668 6454676 42876992 42642208 42490796
Router# show processes memory