show version
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show version
To display information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information,
use the show version command in user EXEC, privileged EXEC, or diagnostic mode.
show version
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
show version [rp-slot] [installed [user-interface] | provisioned | running]
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values.
Command Modes User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)
Diagnostic (diag)—Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers only
Command History
rp-slot Specifies the software of the RP in a specific RP slot of a Cisco ASR 1000
Series Router. Options include:
• r0—the RP in RP slot 0.
• r1—the RP in RP slot 1.
• rp active—the active RP.
• rp standby—the standby RP.
installed Specifies information on the software installed on the RP
user-interface Specifies information on the files related to the user-interface.
provisioned Specifies information on the software files that are provisioned.
running Specifies information on the files currently running.
Release Modification
9.0 This command was introduced.
12.1EC This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1EC.
12.1(1a)T1 This command was modified to include information about the clock card on
CMTS routers.
12.3BC This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC.
12.3(4)T The output format of this command was updated.
12.2(14)SX Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.
12.2(17d)SXB Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to
12.2(25)S The output format of this command was updated.
12.2(33)SCA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support
for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.