Installation and Reference for the BayStack 22 PC Card Adapter
Click OK.
The Windows NT Configuration dialog box opens (Figure 3-32
Figure 3-32. Windows NT Configuration Dialog Box
Set the following configuration parameters, or accept the default settings:
• IRQ level—Interrupt request level. IRQ Level 3 is the default.
• I/O Port Address—Input/Output memory address for the laptop computer.
The BayStack 22 network driver installation for Windows NT does not
automatically specifyn this address. You must configure it manually.
• Connection Type—Select one of the following settings:
— AutoSense—Select the default AutoSense setting if you want the port
to use the fastest speed supported by the attached device.
— 100 or 10 half-duplex mode—Use these settings for 100 Mb/s and
10 Mb/s Ethernet hubs.
— 100 or 10 half- or full-duplex mode—Use these settings for 100 Mb/s
and 10 Mb/s Ethernet switches.