
Joining a SMART Scheduler meeting from an Outlook invitation
Once you've created a meeting, the meeting participants receive an invitation containing a link to the
SMARTBridgit meeting and its password.
g To join a SMARTBridgit meeting from Outlook
1. Open the meeting in your calendar.
2. Click the link to join the SMARTBridgit meeting up to 15 minutes before the scheduled start
time. Record the password below the link.
Your internet browser downloads the SMARTBridgit client software. Depending on your
browser, SMARTBridgit runs automatically or you have to double-click the file to run it
After SMARTBridgit runs, the Join meeting dialog box appears.
3. Type your name and the password you received with the meeting invitation in the boxes
4. Click OK.
The SMARTBridgit Software dialog boxappears,and you're connected to the meeting.
C H A P T ER 2
Using SMARTBridgit