The LCD screen displays
• The LCD screen will display ‘E01’ when there is a
non-resettable issue with the appliance. Should this
occur, immediately remove the power cord from the
wall outlet and call the Breville Customer Service
Center (1-866-BREVILLE).
The LCD screen Displays
• The LCD screen will display ‘E02’ when there is a
non-resettable issue with the appliance. Should this
occur, immediately remove the power cord from the
wall outlet and call the Breville Customer Service
Center (1-866-BREVILLE).
The LCD screen Displays
• The LCD screen will display ‘E03’ if the oven
temperature is above the set maximum limit.
Remove the plug from the wall outlet, allow the oven
to cool for 15 minutes, then plug back in.
• Call Breville Customer Service (1-866-BREVILLE) if
the ‘E03’ message continues.
The LCD screen Displays
• The LCD screen will display ‘E04’ if the room
temperature is below the set minimum. Unplug the
oven and relocate to to a warmer area.
The LCD screen Displays
• The LCD screen will display ‘E05’ when there is a
non-resettable issue with the appliance. Should this
occur, immediately remove the power cord from the
wall outlet and call the Breville Customer Service
Center (1-866-BREVILLE).