Whenever you turn off your system, be sure to save your data
and exit any application program you are using. Then check
the hard disk drive light and the diskette drive light(s) to make
sure they are not on. Press the power button to turn off the
computer and then turn off the monitor, printer, and any other
peripheral devices.
Now follow the instructions below to configure your system
using the SETUP program.
Running the SETUP Program
be sure to run SETUP the first time you use your computer, so
you can verify or update the configuration information. You
also may need to run SETUP again later if you change your
SETUP lets you verify or change the following:
System settings such as date, time, diskette drive type(s),
and video display type
Automatic or manual selection of hard disk drive(s)
Automatic or manual selection of advanced hardware
features for optimizing system performance
System booting options
Password security and anti-virus features
Green PC options, such as the time intervals before the
system and the hard disk drive go into low-power standby
SETUP also allows you to see summar
y information about your
Setting Up Your System