Model H63Operating Procedures
Step 4
Install the dr aw valve. Slide the two o--rings onto the
draw valve and lubricate.
Figure 8
Lubricate the inside of the door spout, top and bottom,
and insert the draw valve into the freezer door from the
top. It will be necess ary to rotate the draw valve to the
right when assembling the door to the freezer.
Figure 9
Step 5
Assemble the freez er door. Place the large rubber
gasket into the gr oove on the back side of the freezer
door. DO NOT lubr icate the gask et.
Slide the white plastic front bearing onto the bearing
hub, making certain that the flangedend of the bearing
is resting against the fr eezer door. DO NOT lubricate
the front bearing.
Figure 10
Inst all the freezer door. Loc ate the torque rotor in the
center hole of the freezer door. Position thedoor on the
four studs on the front of the freezing cylinder and
firmly push it into place. Install the four handscrews o n
the studs and finger--t ighten equally in a criss--cross
pattern to insure the door is snug. Do not
Figure 11