Model H63 Operat ing Procedures
Step 9
Stand the a ssembled a ir tubes in the corner of the mix
hopper and place the agitator on the agitator housing.
Figure 20
Note: If the agitator stops turning during normal
operation, remove the agitato r fr om the agitator
housing and brush clean these parts with sanitizing
solution. In stall the agitator back onto the agitator
housing. Be sure your hands are sanitiz ed when
perfo rming this step.
Step 1
Place a mix pail beneath the dispensing spout, and
open the draw valv e. Pour two gallons (7.6 liter s) of
FRESH mix into the mix hopper and allow it to flowinto
the freez ing cy linder. This will force out any remaining
sanitizing solution.
Figure 21
When full s trength mix is flowing fr om the dis pensing
spout, close the d raw valve.
Figure 22
Step 2
When mix stops bubbling down into the freezing
cylinder, inst all the assembled air tubes in the mix inlet
The pin on the inner air tube should be tur ned and
positioned at the bott om of the notch in the outer air
tube. This will align the holes in the air tubes and allow
mix and air to enter the freezing cy linder.
Figure 23