Controlling image capture
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Trigger delay
As already mentioned earlier, the cameras feature various ways to delay
image capture based on external trigger.
With IIDC V1.31 there is a standard CSR at Register F0F00534/834h to control
a delay up to FFFh x time base value.
The following table explains the inquiry register and the meaning of the var-
ious bits.
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF0F00534 TRIGGER_DLY_INQUIRY Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this feature
(read only)
Abs_Control_Inq [1] Capability of control with absolute
--- [2] Reserved
One_Push_Inq [3] One-push auto mode (controlled
automatically by the camera once)
Readout_Inq [4] Capability of reading out the value
of this feature
ON_OFF [5] Capability of switching this feature
ON and OFF
Auto_Inq [6] Auto mode (controlled automati-
cally by the camera)
Manual_Inq [7] Manual mode (controlled by user)
Min_Value [8..19] Minimum value for this feature
Max_Value [20..31] Maximum value for this feature
Table 33: Trigger delay inquiry register