Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Delayed Integration Enable (IntEna)
A delay time between initiating exposure on the sensor and the activation
edge of the IntEna signal can be set using this register. The on/off flag acti-
vates/deactivates integration delay. The time can be set in µs in DelayTime.
• Only one edge is delayed.
•If IntEna_Out is used to control an exposure, it is pos-
sible to have a variation in brightness or to precisely
time a flash.
Figure 65: Delayed integration timing
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF1000340 IO_INTENA_DELAY Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this
feature (read only)
--- [1..5] Reserved
ON_OFF [6] Enable/disable integration
enable delay
--- [7..11] Reserved
DELAY_TIME [12..31] Delay time in µs
Table 92: Advanced register: Delayed Integration Enable (IntEna)