Controlling image capture
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
In addition, the cameras have an advanced register which allows even more
precise delay of image capture after receiving a hardware trigger.
Trigger delay advanced register
Name Field Bit Description
0xF0F00834 TRIGGER_DELAY Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature:
0: N/A
1: Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
O: Control with value in the Value field
1: Control with value in the Absolute
value CSR
If this bit = 1, the value in the Value
field has to be ignored
--- [2..5] Reserved
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature
Read: read a status
0: OFF
1: ON
If this bit = 0, other fields will be read
--- [7..19] Reserved
Value [20..31] Value
If you write the value in OFF mode, this
field will be ignored.
If ReadOut capability is not available,
then the read value will have no mean-
Table 34: CSR: trigger delay
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF1000400 TRIGGER_DELAY Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this fea-
ture (read only)
--- [1..5] Reserved
ON_OFF [6] Trigger delay on/off
--- [7..10] Reserved
DelayTime [11..31] Delay time in µs
Table 35: Advanced CSR: trigger delay