
Description of the data path
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Color correction can also be switched off in YUV mode with the help of the
following register:
Color conversion (RGB YUV)
The conversion from RGB to YUV is made using the following formulae:
Hue and Saturation
Oscar models are equipped with hue and saturation registers.
Hue and saturation are terms best understood with the homonymous HIS
(Hue Intensity Saturation) color model.
The hue register at offset 810h allows to change the color of objects by +/
- 40 steps (+/- 10°) from the nominal perception without changing white
balance. Use this setting to manipulate the color appearance after having
done white balance.
The saturation register at offset 814h allows changing the intensity of the
colors by +/-100%.
Register Name Description
0xF10003A0 COLOR_CORR Write: 02000000h to switch color correction OFF
Write: 00000000h to switch color correction ON (default)
Table 28: Color correction switch off in YUV mode
Formula 4: RGB to YUV conversion
As mentioned above: Color processing can be bypassed
by using the so-called RAW image transfer.
•RGB YUV conversion can be bypassed by using RGB8
format and mode. This is advantageous from the edge
color definition but needs more bandwidth (300%
instead of 200% relative to b/w or RAW consumption)
for the transmission, so that the maximal frame fre-
quency will drop.
Y0.3R× 0.59 G× 0.11 B×++=
U -0.169 R× 0.33 G× 0.498 B× 128++=
V0.498R× 0.420 G× 0.082 B× 128+=