Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Extended shutter
The exposure time for long-term integration of up to 67 seconds can be
entered with µs precision via the EXTENDED_SHUTTER register.
The minimum allowed exposure time depends on the camera model. To deter-
mine this value write 1 to the ExpTime field and read back the minimum
allowed exposure time.
The longest exposure time, 3FFFFFFh, corresponds to 67.11 seconds.
The ABSOLUTE VALUE CSR register, introduced in IIDC V1.3, is
not implemented.
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF100020C EXTD_SHUTTER Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this fea-
ture (read only)
--- [1.. 5] Reserved
ExpTime [6..31] Exposure time in µs
Table 87: Advanced register: Extended shutter
• Exposure times entered via the 81Ch register are mir-
rored in the extended register, but not vice versa.
• Changes in this register have immediate effect, even
when camera is transmitting.
• Extended shutter becomes inactive after writing to a
format / mode / frame rate register.
• Extended shutter setting will thus be overwritten by
the normal time base/shutter setting after Stop/Start
of FireView or FireDemo.
ID Time base in µs Description
Table 86: Time base ID