Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Implemented registers (IIDC V1.3)
The following tables show how standard registers from IIDC V1.3 are imple-
mented in the camera.
• Base address is F0F00000h
• Differences and explanations can be found in the Description column.
Camera initialize register
Inquiry register for video format
Offset Name Notes
000h INITIALIZE Assert MSB = 1 for Init.
Table 69: Camera initialize register
Offset Name Field Bit Description
100h V_FORMAT_INQ Format_0 [0] Up to VGA (non compressed)
Format_1 [1] SVGA to XGA
Format_2 [2] SXGA to UXGA
Format_3 [3..5] Reserved
Format_6 [6] Still Image Format
Format_7 [7] Partial Image Format
--- [8..31] Reserved
Table 70: Format inquiry register