Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Store To store the current camera settings into a profile:
1. Write the desired ProfileID with the SaveProfile flag set.
2. Read back the register and check the ErrorCode field
Restore To restore the settings from a previous stored profile:
1. Write the desired ProfileID with the RestoreProfile flag set.
2. Read back the register and check the ErrorCode field.
Set default To set the default profile to be loaded on startup, reset or initialization:
1. Write the desired ProfileID with the SetDefaultID flag set.
2. Read back the register and check the ErrorCode field.
Factory default To go back to the factory default profile:
1. Select ProfileID = 0 and toggle the SetDefaultID flag set.
2. Read back the register and check the ErrorCode field.
Error codes
Reset of error codes
The ErrorCode field is set to zero on the next write access.
To reset the ErrorCode manually:
1. Write 00000000h to the USER_PROFILE register.
Stored settings
The following table shows the settings stored inside a profile:
Error code # Description
0x00 No error
0x01 Profile data corrupted
0x02 Camera not idle during restore operation
0x03 Feature not available (feature not present)
0x04 Profile doesn’t exist
0x05 ProfileID out of range
0x06 Restoring the default profile failed
0x07 Loading LUT data failed
0x08 Storing LUT data failed
Table 103: User profile: Error codes