Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
User profiles
Definition Within the IIDC specification user profiles are called memory channels.
Often they are called user sets. In fact these are different expressions for
the following: storing camera settings into a non-volatile memory inside the
From firmware 3.04 onwards, Oscar cameras can store up to three user pro-
files (plus the factory default) in the camera in a non-volatile memory.
User profiles can be programmed with the following advanced feature regis-
In general this advanced register is a wrapper around the standard memory
channel registers with some extensions. In order to query the number of
available user profiles please check the Memory_Channel field of the
BASIC_FUNC_INQ register at offset 0x400 (see IIDC V1.3x for more details).
The ProfileID is equivalent to the memory channel number and specifies the
profile number to store settings to or to restore settings from. In any case
profile #0 is the hard-coded factory profile and cannot be overwritten.
After an initialization command, startup or reset of the camera, the ProfileID
also indicates which profile was loaded on startup, reset or initialization.
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF1000550 USER_PROFILE Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this feature
(read only)
--- [1..7] Reserved
SaveProfile [8] Save settings to profile
RestoreProfile [9] Load settings from profile
SetDefaultID [10] Set profile ID as default
--- [11..19] Reserved
ErrorCode [20..23] Error code
See Table 103: User profile: Error
codes on page 199
--- [24..27] Reserved
ProfileID [28..31] ProfileID (memory channel)
Table 102: Advanced register: User profiles
• The default profile is the profile that is loaded on
power-up or an INITIALIZE command.
• A save or load operation delays the response of the
camera until the operation is completed. At a time only
one operation can be performed.