Description of the data path
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
From the user's point of view, the white balance settings are made in register
80Ch of IIDC V1.3. This register is described in more detail below.
The values in the U/B_Value field produce changes from green to blue; the
V/R_Value field from green to red as illustrated below.
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF0F0080C WHITE_BALANCE Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature:
0: N/A;
1: Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
O: Control with value in the Value field
1: Control with value in the Absolute
value CSR
If this bit=1, the value in the Value field
will be ignored.
--- [2..4] Reserved
One_Push [5] Write 1: begin to work (self-cleared after
1: in operation
0: not in operation
If A_M_Mode = 1, this bit will be ignored.
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature
Read: read a status
0: OFF
1: ON
A_M_MODE [7] Write: set mode
Read: read current mode
U/B_Value [8..19] U/B value
This field is ignored when writing the
value in Auto or OFF mode.
If readout capability is not available, read-
ing this field has no meaning.
V/R_Value [20..31] V/R value
This field is ignored when writing the
value in Auto or OFF mode.
If readout capability is not available, read-
ing this field has no meaning.
Table 21: White balance register