Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Look-up tables (LUT)
Load the look-up tables to be used into the camera and choose the look-up
table number via the LutNo field. Now you can activate the chosen LUT via
the LUT_CTRL register.
The LUT_INFO register indicates how many LUTs the camera can store and the
maximum size of the individual LUTs.
The possible values for LutNo are 0..n-1, whereas n can be determined by
reading the field NumOfLuts of the LUT_INFO register.
Register Name Field Bit Description
0xF1000240 LUT_CTRL Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this
feature (read only)
--- [1..5] Reserved
ON_OFF [6] Enable/disable this feature
--- [7..25] Reserved
LutNo [26..31] Use look-up table with LutNo
0xF1000244 LUT_MEM_CTRL Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this
feature (read only)
--- [1..4] Reserved
EnableMemWR [5] Enable write access
--- [6..7] Reserved
AccessLutNo [8..15] Reserved
AddrOffset [16..31] byte
0xF1000248 LUT_INFO Presence_Inq [0] Indicates presence of this
feature (read only)
--- [1..7] Reserved
NumOfLuts [8..15] Maximum number of look-up
MaxLutSize [16..31] Maximum look-up table size
Table 89: Advanced register: LUT