Camera interfaces
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Pixel data
Pixel data are transmitted as isochronous data packets in accordance with
the 1394 interface described in IIDC V1.3. The first packet of a frame is iden-
tified by the 1 in the sync bit (sy) of the packet header.
• The video data for each pixel are output in either 8-bit or 12-bit format.
• Each pixel has a range of 256 or 4096 shades of gray.
• The digital value 0 is black and 255 or 4095 is white. In 16-bit mode
the data output is MSB aligned.
Field Description
data_length Number of bytes in the data field
tg Tag field
shall be set to zero
channel Isochronous channel number, as programmed in the iso_channel
field of the cam_sta_ctrl register
tCode Transaction code
shall be set to the isochronous data block packet tCode
sy Synchronization value (sync bit)
This is one single bit. It indicates the start of a new frame.
It shall be set to 0001h on the first isochronous data block of a frame,
and shall be set to zero on all other isochronous blocks
Video data payload Shall contain the digital video information
Table 20: Description of data block packet format
0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
data_length tg channel tCode sy
Video data payload
Table 19: Isochronous data block packet format. Source: IIDC V1.3
sync bit