How does bandwidth affect the frame rate?
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
How does bandwidth affect the frame
In some modes the IEEE 1394a bus limits the attainable frame rate. Accord-
ing to the 1394a specification on isochronous transfer, the largest data pay-
load size of 4096 bytes per 125 µs cycle is possible with bandwidth of
400 Mbit/s. In addition, because of a limitation in an IEEE 1394 module
(GP2Lynx), only a maximum number of 4095 packets per frame are allowed.
The following formula establishes the relationship between the required
Byte_Per_Packet size and certain variables for the image. It is valid only for
If the value for BYTE_PER_PACKET is greater than 4096 (the maximum data
payload), the sought-after frame rate cannot be attained.
The attainable frame rate can be calculated using this formula:
(Provision: BYTE_PER_PACKET is divisible by 4):
ByteDepth is based on the following values:
Formula 12: Byte_per_Packet calculation (only Format_7)
Formula 13: Maximum frame rate calculation
Mode bit/pixel byte per pixel
Mono8 8 1
Mono16 16 2
YUV4:2:2 16 2
YUV4:1:1 12 1.5
RGB8 24 3
Table 61: ByteDepth
BYTE_PER_PACKET Framerate AOIWidth× AOIHeight× ByteDepth× 125µs×=
frame rate
AOIWidth AOIHeight× ByteDepth× 125µs×