Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Status and control register for one-push
The one-push feature WHITE_BALANCE, is currently implemented. If this flag
is set, the feature becomes immediately active, even if no images are being
input (see Chapter One-push automatic white balance on page 61).
Offset Name Field Bit Description
800h BRIGHTNESS Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature
0: N/A
1: Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
0: Control with value in the Value field
1: Control with value in the Absolute
value CSR
If this bit = 1, value in the Value field is
--- [2-4] Reserved
One_Push [5] Write 1: begin to work (Self cleared after
Read: Value=1 in operation
Value=0 not in operation
If A_M_Mode =1, this bit is ignored.
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature
Read: read a status
0: OFF, 1: ON
If this bit =0, other fields will be read
A_M_Mode [7] Write: set the mode
Read: read a current mode
0: Manual
1: Auto
--- [8-19] Reserved
Value [20-31] Value.
Write the value in Auto mode, this field
is ignored.
If ReadOut capability is not available,
read value has no meaning.
Table 77: Feature control register