
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Manual overview
This manual overview describes each chapter of this manual shortly.
•Chapter Contacting Allied Vision Technologies on page 10 lists AVT con-
tact data for both:
technical information / ordering
–commercial information
•Chapter Introduction on page 9 (this chapter) gives you the document
history, a manual overview and conventions used in this manual (styles
and symbols). Furthermore you learn how to get more information on
how to install hardware (Hardware Installation Guide), available AVT
software (incl. documentation) and where to get it.
•Chapter OSCAR cameras on page 17 gives you a short introduction to the
STINGRAY cameras with their FireWire technology. Links are provided to
data sheets and brochures on AVT website.
•Chapter Declarations of conformity on page 18 gives you information
about conformity of AVT cameras.
•Chapter Filter and lenses on page 19 describes the IR cut filter and suit-
able camera lenses.
•Chapter Specifications on page 21 lists camera details and spectral sen-
sitivity diagrams for each camera type.
•Chapter Camera dimensions on page 29 provides CAD drawings of stan-
dard housing (copper and GOF) models, tripod adapter, available angled
head models, cross sections of CS-Mount and C-Mount.
•Chapter Camera interfaces on page 35 describes in detail the inputs/
outputs of the cameras (incl. Trigger features). For a general description
of the interfaces (FireWire and I/O connector) see Hardware Installa-
tion Guide.
•Chapter Description of the data path on page 52 describes in detail IIDC
conform as well as AVT-specific camera features.
•Chapter Controlling image capture on page 100 describes trigger modi,
exposure time, one-shot/multi-shot/ISO_Enable features. Additionally
special AVT features are described: sequence mode and secure image
signature (SIS).
•Chapter Video formats, modes and bandwidth on page 120 lists all avail-
able fixed and Format_7 modes (incl. color modes, frame rates, binning/
sub-sampling, AOI=area of interest).
•Chapter How does bandwidth affect the frame rate? on page 142 gives
some considerations on bandwidth details.
•Chapter Configuration of the camera on page 145 lists standard and
advanced register descriptions of all camera features.
•Chapter Firmware update on page 202 explains where to get information
on firmware updates and explains the extended version number scheme
of FPGA/µC.